Saturday, June 28, 2008

Gateless Microsoft?

Friday was Bill Gates last day as the top leader at Microsoft. The company he founded. He is leaving to focus on his charitable foundation, which is pretty noble. He is also leaving behind perhaps the creepiest picture of him yet, which can be seen here along with an article.

The future of Microsoft is unknown, but hopefully this will mean that they will try something different and try to show up Apple. That'd be nice.

1 comment:

Johnny Cottonmouth said...

ehhh... I'd be willing to bet if I were a multi-millionaire (or billionaire? what is her?) I'd be willing to stop working and instead focus on charity...

but good for him anyway, no use looking a gift horse in the mouth.

and the award for "most unnecessary usage of a phrase only people over 60 use" goes to JOHNNY COTTONMOUTH!!!