Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Life, as I know it

So yeah, haven't written on here in a while. So for those of you who didn't see me over the weekend, here's a brief update on my life, bullet-style. Well not bullets but dashes. but you get the idea

-I'm doing this kinda hardcore work out program, which is kicking my ass and destroying my joints but I love it. Hopefully by the end of the summer (or even rothbury) I'll be pretty smokin hot in the body area.
-As a result of the aforementioned work out program, I have had a pretty significant boost of confidence. I'm making all sorts of friends, bein a player, doing whatever (whoever) I want. Just generally havin a good time ;) I forgot that people like spending time with me, especially after the Ben and Erek fiascos (Erek just isn't speaking to me for whatever reason (yeah I guess I was pissy the last couple times we hung out, but seriously he's kind of an overconfident prick, so I'm over it), and Ben is still awkward but at least we can hang out again - I still just miss his friends more than anything though. Once he gets over us, I'll enjoy spending time with him again, but for now, I just want to see Kristin and John etc etc)
-Umphrey's fuckin rocked over the weekend. End of story. Well worth the trip there and back. Let concert season continue...
-I'm seeing Infected Mushroom in Chicago next weekend!!! FUCK YEAH!
-Speaking of Infected Mushroom, I've gotta get some fuckin cid. There's no way I'm going to that concert sober.
-I still can't bring myself to give a crap about who's gonna be president.
-Way to go Cali! 2 down, 48 to go!
-I'm pretty much busy every single weekend for the rest of the summer. Except this coming one. The list being - IM concert in chicago, opera scenes performance, rothbury, bday weekend, umphreys/sts9 in Indy, santa fe to visit Siân, lolla. Holy crap
-I'm kinda seeing someone but not really. He's just fun and good in bed. I'm ok with it.
-Still in my "obsessed with psytrance" mode. Hence another reason why I need some hallucinogenics. Ah drugs. Recent artists I've gotten into: Eskimo, Vibe Tribe, Psycraft. All SO fuckin great
-I got an assistantship for next year, so I'll be a T.A. I'm gonna be teaching classes to freshies. Can you even imagine? I'm a little nervous but it's really good money, so no complaints.
-My job at the MAC rocks. I love my crew, and this is where I'm posting from. We have not been doin shit recently haha. it's awesome
-I'm growing increasingly concerned at the effect that facebook and other such sites have had on the natural process of growing up. All these random people who I probably wouldn't have cared to talk to again keep writing me messages. I suppose this is fine but just weird - I'll probably write a whole post about that though at some point.
-Jessy's finally started hanging out at home again, which is always nice.
-Our dishwasher broke again. Fuckin-ay. SO annoying
-I'm probably livin alone again next year, but I'm ok with it. I forgot how used to just dealin with my own crap I got, so living with someone else is just a whole lotta random crap to think about.
-I need to get out more I'm so pasty
-I almost drove into the tornado that touched down near E.L. on sunday. that was some scary shit.
-I might move to California sometime. I want to move to a city, and I feel like the music and cultural scene in San Fran and LA and stuff would be good for me. The midwest suburban life is slowly killing me.
-I need a haircut like woah.

and the final blanket statement:

-Basically, things are good. I feel good about myself, what I'm doing, how I look, my financial situation (despite it being a little dismal), and just about life in general. I'm being kind of a rockstar, drinkin a ton, smokin a lot, but frankly, that's how I like to live my life, so that's that!

Anyway, I'll be up around my bday certainly (allow me to put in my vote for Larry to use his party room for a joint Cottonmouth-Rambo-Geggs bday extravaganzamabob). Y'all should come visit me though. It'll be good times. Anyway, this is really long, I'm done, much love!


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