Saturday, July 26, 2008

An Andy-style life list....

So I haven't really posted in a while, so here it is:

The Andy-Style List of Random Things in My Life

(I'm working on the title.)

- I have been reading Harry Potter a lot. I said I wanted to start reading more in the summer and I'm glad I followed through on something (finally). Half-Blood Prince may just be my favorite book in the series. And now for Deathly Hallows....
- The new HP6 movie comes out in about 117 days! The trailer for said awesomeness comes out in 3 days! It will most likely play before "The Mummy 3."
- After falling asleep during the Dark Knight (3 am, opening night), I saw it again. It fuckin' rocks. And Andy is getting that much crazier by the day...he he ho ho ha ha.
- Vangizzle and I went to see "Weird Al" Yankovic at the Showboat (not Riverboat, SVG) in Chesaning. He played everything you could imagine and more. It was really awesome. SVG made a good point when he said, "It's hard to rock out to Weird Al." It was a lot of fun to see him, but Scott is right. And plus, this little seven year old kid next to me kept looking to me to see if I thought a joke was funny before laughing. It was adorable.
- I have seen about 35 movies since I last posted that list of movies. I'll provide a more extensive list when I hit fifty, but until then, here are some movies I suggest: Charlie Bartlett, Super High Me, Happily N'Ever After, Mr. Magorium's Wonder Emporium, The Onion Movie.
- Umphrey's McGee is coming to Michigan and Indiana. They will play at St. Pat's Park in South Bend, IN on Septemeber 5th (I will be there!) and then they play in Michigan (!) on October 2nd. They will return to the State Theatre in Kalamazoo after five years of absence. (You know I'll be there!). The next night they will be in Muncie, IN which is about a 3.5 hour drive from here. I'm debating.
- I love Gilmour.
- I love Gilmore Girls, but haven't watched in a while.
- My friend Brian from work installed Windows Vista 64 Ultimate on my laptop because my 'Compy 386' was working as slowly as a motherfuckin' snail on morphine. Now, my compy runs like a dream.
- Every Thursday , I go to an Alphabet dinner (or I try to) with people from work. This week it was F. Fondue and Fuzzy Navels. F-antastic. I missed the week before that, but the week before THAT was D. And we had Drunken Noodles (Tofu and Chicken), Daquiris, Doritos, and Ding Dongs. D-Licious.
- I work six days a week but still only manage to scrape less than 30 hours a week. Shit.
- I saw Hellboy II with the 'rents. It was decent.
- The same night I went to see Space Chimps with Scott. It was fuckin' hilarious (in the altered state of mind.) Crudlar!
- Umphrey's McGee is still the best band to walk the face of the earth.
- Lollapalooza is in a few days. It is starting to get exciting. Most excited for: Brand New and the Raconteurs, followed closely by Radiokopf (that's for you Cottonmouth). Woot to the woot!
- I have this Add-On for FireFox called StumbleUpon. When I am bored, all I do is hit a but labeled "Stumble!" and it brings you to any random website within the categories that you choose when you install it. It is tyte. So I'll leave you with this...some make your own Motivational Posters (you know the ones I mean).


Johnny Cottonmouth said...

I want those posters on my wall

Claudio said...

I have one of those posters on my wall...oh wait, that's a mirror. Man I'm a sweet dancer. I can't wait to see Umphrey's again so soon. (A rocket ship approaches) OH KRUMPLAR!!! (Dave gets it)