Wednesday, December 10, 2008

A Hero's Struggle

After watching Heroes yesterday and recently watching Hancock, I noticed that the heroes had to fight and struggle in order to keep or get back their powers. Hiro keeps getting the short end of the stick in that department. When ever something goes right for him, it usually ends in heartache, disappointment, or turns into another struggle.

Well, that got me thinking...if you had any power, one that you would want to keep...would you go through the trials of a hero to keep those powers? Even if it meant going through heartache and never knowing if you'll actually succeed? Can you handle the struggle?

My answer is yes! If I had the chance to do something great with a power that's among a few elite, or even if I was the sole person on earth with a power, I would want to do something great. My life would be one long quest, complete with side missions and leveling up...but for real.


Johnny Cottonmouth said...

This is a really fascinating question hock, nice... I would say yes I would take on the struggle. In some ways, that's the real excitement of being a hero. I've always kinda wished I had some epic quest to go on. Like every day.

Claudio said...

Leveling up is the funnest part of life.