Sunday, June 28, 2009

Feathers everywhere!

This morning, while driving on 127, I hit a turkey. A turkey! In fucking Lansing!? I didn't even know they were around here. I was driving through a construction zone, so even if the turkey crossed the street, it would have nowhere to go. It was on the shoulder and as I am about to pass it, it bolts in front of my car. Stupid fucking animal. I looked in my rearview mirror and all I saw was a bunch of feathers going everywhere. I thought no damage was done when I first looked at my car, but after going back on the highway, I noticed that my headlight got dislodged from it's original position. Guess I have to get that fixed.

Then we saw Transformers: Rise of the Fallen. I gotta say, it was pretty good. I don't know why I'm hearing so many people hating on it. I enjoyed it. It had some sweet action and good humor. The only problems with it where the "Twins" (who are some annoying fucks, or Jar-Jars as Kiznox put it) and Optimus was ridiculously overpowered compared to the first movie. I will let that one slide though, due to the 2 years time between the first and second movie. Who knows what happened in that time, maybe he upgraded? Or maybe Optimus is just a badass mo-fo.

After I dropped Kiznox off, I drove home. While entering 96, some fucker in front of me slowed down to 40mph. Then, as the left lane was merging, decided to wait until the last minute to get over. There was an ENORMOUS gap between me and the car in front of him, so he definitely had the room to get over at anytime. Here's the worst part...not only did he wait until the last minute, he sped up so that he FORCED the car in front of him (at this point, directly next to him) to change lanes to avoid being hit. Seriously, how the fuck did this guy get a license? I wish a cop was around and his license got suspended and then he got tasered. I wish it was me in front of him so he would hit me (I would not get over for that prick) and then I would sue the shit out of him. God dammit I hate America sometimes.

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