Friday, June 19, 2009

Fuck this Fan...

I, officially, own the worst fan ever built.

This fucking thing is on full blast. I am sitting less that 2 feet from it. The bastard is strategically aimed at my face. The weather is oppressively humid. Steamy. Ridiculous. And I am nearing the point where I would turn on the a/c if I didnt hate a/c so goddamn much. Yet I feel no wind. My shirt does not flow in any sort of breeze like the thousands of hair product commercials I have seen. No monumental comfort that a fan would yield in this weather. It would seem that this electronic is taunting me.

The fan still faces me, full blast, spinning, whirring, making a horribly loud hum, doing absolutely nothing beneficial for me.

Fuck you, fan.

You are a waste of energy. And, quite possibly, a demon.


This guy... said...

This is about a very specific fan, but I feel like it could be written to ALL fans. Fuck fans. Never once have I been at all saitisfied with a fan.

I'm with you.

Kiznox said...

Im glad! Its probably specific because I only have one fan, and I am too damn stubborn to go and get another one.

Hock said...

I'm bringing a fan...for my room. I'm also thinking about buying a really big one for the living room