Friday, October 12, 2007

Can you believe this shit?

"Success comes to kids who wait to have sex." Is that not the most retarded thing you have ever heard? Do you know who said it, or more importantly, sponsoring the messages seen on TV? Oh you guessed it...our ever all-knowing government! Fuck you Republicans and your "I didn't get laid because of my stubborn chauvinistic political beliefs until I was 40 so you can't either" attitude. The website with seemingly hundreds of ways to talk and dissuade your kid from sex can be found here. My favorite, and most hilarious, part of the website includes how to talk to your kids. For example:

Teenager: "All you tell me is, "Don't do this and don't do that" So what am I supposed to do?"
Parent: "You are supposed to be pursuing your goals."

Now I get that STDs and teen pregnancies occur but I've always felt that you do not need to keep your kid abstinent for these things to avoid happening to them. If you are a good enough parent who lets your kids know about what to do should the opportunity arise (no pun intended for us guys) to have sex, then you have done all you can. Once you become a teenager you do not want to listen to much of anything because you feel you are becoming more independent than is probably true, but don't tell that to them. Making these mistakes is a part of life, and do not think I am saying "Go out and knock up the first girl who kisses you" or "Ah you don't really need those condoms." I am saying that life throws you all kinds of curve balls and you just have to know how to hit them. If your parents do a good enough job you should have no qualms about having sex because you know the risks. Honestly, isn't the teen suicide rate high enough? Do we really want to stop our hormone filled kids from having sex until they are married? Waiting until marriage is perfectly acceptable, do not get me wrong, but it is not something that should be preached to the entire world. That goes against my religion but, as I hope most of you know, I do not agree with everything my religion says because I have the right to question those things as a human being. To make a long story short (too late) this is a message to the government...stay the FUCK out of our lives. I will raise my kids with the beliefs and knowledge that I deem worthy for them to follow. They will make their own decisions on whether that is right or wrong for them one day down the road but until then, parenting can be hard enough without our government lobbying to try and raise our kids better than we can.

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