Monday, November 26, 2007

I am Beginning to Wonder if Rilo Kiley is Secretely my Favorite Band...

I just checked the play count on my Itunes business, and, well, apparently I listen to Rilo Kiley way more than any other band that I have...which I find interesting. Not only do I listen to a few songs way too much, (Breakin' Up & A Better Son/Daughter) but I listen to their music as a whole pretty consistently. I started wondering about this while I was at work the other day when I realized that I was still playing Rilo Kiley on my Ipod. For the third time that week.

So yeah, they may be my favorite band.

I have been pretty sick the past few days. Thanks to whoever came up with over the counter drugs. I could not survive without them. Seriously, I am hopped up on about 3 times the amount that I probably need. Not only am I feeling way better than I probably should, but I think that I am a little stoned from it. You know, OTC stoned. And I am happy about it.

Thanksgiving was Thursday. What a good day. Seriously. Spent some time with the family and actually had a really good time. It has been a long time since that has happened. I think that it is because it was just my immediate family and none of the positively crazy nut jobs in the extended. Also, I got to hang out with my cute-as-a-button niece. Who spit up on me. Which was cute.

I have tomorrow morning off of work. I am hoping that I have the afternoon off as well, but I sincerely doubt it. Though, it would be fucking nice to just veg out all day before I have to go in to my other job. I am telling you, this having two jobs business is pretty fucking ridiculous. I feel like I never have any time for myself. Why cant I just win the lottery like everyone else?

The end of November is fast approaching. What does that mean? It means, my dear unfaithful readers, that I will soon be off of probation. Why is that awesome? Because I will no longer have to waste 12$ a month for a test that I know the answer to. I am getting really excited. Like, really excited. Like, I could go out and buy a fucking gift for myself for this one.

CocoRosie is also a sweet/eclectic/bizarre/awesome band. Check them out. No, Hock, not you. You would hate it.

I watched the movie, "Because I Said So" yesterday. I watched it as soon as I found out that

was in it. She is becoming an increasingly talented actress. I hope that her thespian career begins to blow up soon, as I would like to see her play a few more roles. And no, it is not just because I think that she is in the top 3 most attractive women alive category. That, my fine feathered friend, is just a bonus.

Anyway, I really liked the movie and urge everyone to check it out. No, Hock, not you. You would hate this as well. Actually, you all might hate it. Does anyone else enjoy a good and sappy chick flick every now and then? I surely do.

Right, well, I have run on long enough with very little to actually say. Goodnight, all.

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