Friday, November 16, 2007

Weekly WYR

Another installment of the Weekly WYR is just seconds away...

Would You Rather...

Live in Canada or be dead?

Well we have a Canada hater on our hands. I am not one of those "I hate Canada only because I'm no longer 19" people and I most certainly would not rather be dead than to live there. It is a beautiful country with some marvelous places to visit, although I haven't been able to do that in the U.S. so why would I take time to visit the Canadian landmarks? I'm true.

Live in a world where Hitler never gained power or live in a world where Norbit was never made?

This is probably one of the worst WYR questions I have ever seen. Is there even any comparison? Is there? No there is not. Of course you get rid of Hitler's rein of terror, although one of the most gruesome, yet fascinating, stories in all of history it is just that...history. People will always remember Hitler and only those dumb enough to let it consume their lives to the point of asking this question will remember Norbit.

Have a Moonraker Laser in the stacks with body armor or have a Golden Gun without body armor in the Complex?

This question is awesome because it takes me back to one of my favorite games as a kid playing on the N64 with my friend Rob in his basement. Friggin' Goldeneye bitches! Oh how we loved to shoot each other in the face and from across the room while playing Capture the Flag or First to 20 Kills. Of course you have to take the Golden Gun because one shot and you, my friend, are down and you aren't gettin' back up!

Be the inventor of the beer bong or the inventor of the bong?

Oh how tempting this question is. Even though a bong is very tempting to want to have created, mostly because it takes a lot more ingenuity than a beer bong, I would have to say that a beer bong is a whole lot easier to get away with financially and physically then a bong is. I love them both mind you but I have to go with the easy one (and the more legal one).

Skate or die?

What an awful question, one not even worthy of response.

Have your dick shrink 1/8 of an inch every year for the rest of your life or have your dick grow an inch for the rest of your life?

Ask any question that you will but stay away from my dick you bastards! Now is that one inch a year? I'm under the impression that stops growing when you do unless I'm mistaken. I have no idea either way I know I'd never want it to shrink.

Find out your sister is on your favorite porn site or find out that your sister is on your least favorite porn site?

If I had to find out about my sister, which I do not have, being on a porn site I would not want it to be on my favorite one as to run the risk of constantly running into her. If she was on my least favorite one I would be upset but I know I would never need to go back to it because I disliked it in the first place.

Bang Jessica Alba once or be able to summon a death squad of Spartan Warriors at will?

Although it would be awesome to be able to summon Spartan Warriors I have no need for that in this, or any, day and age. If I was someone who had something to do randomly for killing or was on the run and needed protection sure but until then I'm hoppin' on the good foot and doin' the bad thing with Alba.

Orgasm every time you fart or fart when you orgasm?

Farting when you orgasm would be probably a little less sexy than you would think, just a thought right? You're having a great time and you both come right at the same time and you just let one rip? Not cool my friends and I believe she would agree and thank you for choosing orgasms whenever you fart.

Fall in love with a girl who had warts all over her feet or pimples all over her ass?

Now that the visual is in my, and all of your heads, let us have a moment of silence for the next few days for masturbation. We knew it well and now it is going to take a vacation until the visual leaves our heads.

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