Monday, September 15, 2008

Fuck You Illinois Highway System!

So last night I was driving down here to Champaign, on the same route I took about a month ago. It started out raining, kinda slowed me down due to traffic, but I was still doing decent time. Then the rain stopped and I started flying. Things are looking up at that point. I drive a little bit more and finally reach I-80...that's when my anger meter exploded and my happy meter took a coffee break to fuck that 60 year old prostitute with the clap and hep B, without a condom. Anyways, I-80 was CLOSED! All 5 lanes! So they horded us to the next exit in some huge clusterfuck (yay, blog!) of a mess and got onto whatever fucking highway I was on. I didn't know where to go because THERE WERE NO FUCKING DETOUR SIGNS! So I decided to turn around and maybe get back onto I-80. Boy was I wrong. I had to turn around again and start from the back of the line I was already in. Oh boy, it's not finished yet.

So I jump on I-90 where there was one detour sign. Drive on it for a while, because, luckily, I had a Michigan map with the freeways for the upper part of Illinois and I see that I-90 hits I-57, which is what I needed. Miles and miles go by and no exit...for anything. Next thing I know, I'm on a toll road. Drive some more and still no exit or signage, nothing. Guess what, I hit ANOTHER toll road (this one $3). So at this point...I'M IN FUCKING CHICAGO! I need to be at least 120 miles south of that. Finally I hit an exit, turn around and book it out of that fucking place, pissed off beyond belief. Guess what, I find I-57 like 10 miles from there and jump on it. At this point, I'm on hour 6 of a 5 hour car ride, with another hour and a half left. Finally I arrived at the hotel, after driving at least 40 miles out of my way.

Thanks, Illinois. Fuck you too!

1 comment:

Hock said...

I just realized that the road was probably flooded. I'm still pissed because of how badly they handled it.