Monday, September 29, 2008

New Stuff From My Brain

I'm gonna start off with the story of Paul Newman. He died over the weekend, at the age of 83. Now, I haven't seen much of his work, but I thought he was a cool guy. He used to race cars and act and started up a food company as a joke. A joke that raised over $100 million for charity. He was an amazing man, and I'm sure he'll be sorely missed.

Scarlett Johannsen and Ryan Reynolds got married over the weekend, in Canada. First off, I didn't even know they were dating. Secondly, good job Ryan Reynolds, that's definitely a step up from Alanis Morrisette.

Here's something I haven't done in a while:
Earlier today I saw Eagle Eye. My initial reaction was pure excitement. But after reading some reviews, I'm thinking otherwise. The story is rather thrilling. Everything moves at a rather quick pace, which keeps things exciting but also keeps you going "what the fuck just happened?" Once you figure out what's going on though, you're just like "oh, I knew that was going to happen." Also, the chase scenes are on full throttle, but are shot in a shaky camera way to where things are just thrown around without much logic and with no regard for any innocent person's safety. There are some obvious movie flubs, one notably stands out in my mind: when LeBeouf gets into a gray Sebring that mysteriously turns into a black Avenger by the next scene. That's lazy film-making. I did like LeBeouf's performance in this movie. He brings a certain charm and charisma to any movie he's a part of. He helps the movie with his acting, even with the ridiculous plot. Michelle Monaghan is uber hot and quite charming, if kinda wooden. Billy Bob seems out of place in his role, but he was alright. Rosario Dawson and Michael Chiklis did decent enough jobs. Oh, and Ethan Embry also made a comeback for anyone who was missing him from their lives, but I couldn't have cared less about his character. All-in-all, it was an acceptable techno-thriller with some exciting thrills, but everything seems to work out too perfectly. I give it about a 5/10 and a half assed review.

Tonight I also watched the second season premiere of Californication on Showtime. I'm probably gonna download the first season and wished I had Showtime for the second season, because that show is fucking hilarious. I have a renewed faith in David Duchovny.

Besides going out to watch Eagle Eye, I did absolutely nothing today, but I have watched Clerks II about 4 times in the past week.

Well, I have a week left down here. I can't wait to come back to Okemos. See ya bitches next week.


Johnny Cottonmouth said...

It was really awkward when we were using paul newman dressing the other night and I had no idea that he had died and my family was making comments about it and I had no idea what they were talking about. I need to pay more attention to the news.

Hock said...

The internet is a powerful thing