Saturday, November 1, 2008

Halloween Exploits

So the rave was a total bust. The DJs were awesome, but nobody showed up :(. Of course this left me and Doug trippin our balls off with nothing to do. So we did what any self-respecting drug users would do on Halloween; that is to say, we bought a shit ton of glow sticks, turned off the lights, and put my playlist of dance music on random until after 6 in the morning. It was a really fun night despite it all. I never really got balls deep on the mushrooms like I sometimes do. But I was certainly real fucked up, and I'm sure I just couldn't relax enough to really enjoy since the beginning of the trip consisted of a trip to walmart and then me basically alone in some warehouse dancing by myself as the rest of the crowd dissipated one by one. It's just a real shame that people are not really interested in the whole electronic scene here. The guy who put this whole thing together spent a lot of money, and it was a real labor of love, but by the time that Doug got back with Jess there's was no way that the 3 of us could save the party. Ah well. Half a fifth of vodka, a bunch of beer, a heaping bowl and a few hours later as I laid on the ground, listened to Hallucinogen and watched Doug and Jess do a bunch of crazy shit with glow sticks above my face, I realized that the night wasn't such a bust after all. :)

PS I will be home alone in the Roch over Thanksgiving which means two things:
1) I need people to celebrate T-Giving with. I'm not inviting myself to dinner or anything, but if anyone is free during the day or whatever, it be nice to hang out with my extended family :)
2) No parties at my place but... I may be able to acquire some more trippy stuff and we could have a "party" with a few peeps in my basement. Or regardless, we can all hang out. As long as no one's playing bongo drums or skinny dipping in the hot tub.

PPS I'm thinkin about goin to one night of the Umphrey's New Year's run, if someone can come with me. I'll be in South Bend area at my grandparents up til then so I'd be happy to drive into Chicago if someone met me there. If no one can go, no big, but I'm just not sure if I'll be around MI for New Year's Eve or not. The current plan is to try to find a good dance party with Doug and groove into 2009.

PPPS I'm WELL aware that I'm totally becoming a raver kid. haha. It was only a matter of time. But I'm getting a lot better with glow sticks :-D


This guy... said...

Sounds like your Halloween was pretty good.


PS: I would love to meet you for one night of Umphrey's, so let's pick a day and do it to it.

PPS: My mo asked me to invite any one to Thanksgiving dinner that I want and knowing my mom, she won't et you spend it alone. SO please, come to dinner with Goergs.

Hock said...

I would invite you to my aunt and uncle's for Thanksgiving, but it's probably going to be awk-waaaarrd, so I wouldn't put you through that. BUT if you could get some "trippy" stuff, I would totally eat them with you.