Thursday, November 20, 2008

Top 5 Simpsons Episodes (Season 3)

I told you I had it completed but I just now finalized it. Enjoy!

Number 5: “Like Father, Like Clown” (Episode 41)

Krusty goes to the Simpson household for dinner and is reminded of his estrangement to his Rabbi father. Bart & Lisa attempt to find him and convince him to reconcile with his son, for both of their sakes.

Favorite quote:
Homer: “Son, you don’t have to follow in my footsteps.”
Bart: “Don’t worry, I don’t even like using the bathroom after you.”

Number 4: “Black Widower” (Episode 56)

Sideshow Bob marries Selma after being released from prison. She begins to despise her and eventually plans to kill her by running the gas in their honeymoon apartment, waiting for her to light a match for her cigarette and blow herself sky high. Bart, however, foils his plans once again.

Favorite quote:
Bart: “Chief Wiggum, you think you have room in jail for a two time loser?”
Chief Wiggum: “Well no frankly, but that never stopped us before!”

Number 3: “Brother, Can You Spare Two Dimes?” (Episode 59)

Herb returns with a new idea of how to make his fortune back. He creates a machine that translates baby talk so parents can understand what their kids are saying. He reconciles with Homer and buys the family gifts. Homer also won the Montgomery Burns Award for Outstanding Achievement in the Field of Excellence.

Favorite quote:
Scientist: “This can’t be right; this man has 104% body fat! Hey, no eating in the tank!”
Homer: “Go to hell.”

Number 2: “Homer at the Bat” (Episode 52)

The Plant softball team goes on a huge winning streak with Homer’s lucky bat but Burns makes a wager with the Shelbyville Power Plant owner for the Championship game and he does not want to lose. He goes out and recruits baseball players like Ozzie Smith, Jose Canseco, Don Mattingly and Roger Clemens. In the end, something weird happens to each one of them (except Darryl Strawberry) and Homer “drives” in the winning run.

Favorite quote:
Homer: “You’re Darryl Strawberry.”
D.S.: “Yes.”
Homer: “You play right field.”
D.S.: “So?”
Homer: “Well, are you better than me?”
D.S.: “Well I’ve never met you but…yes.”

Number 1: “Treehouse of Horror II” (Episode 42)

The kids and Homer eat too much candy and each has their own nightmare. Lisa’s nightmare includes a monkey claw that grants wishes, Bart’s includes him as a monster that makes everyone think happy thoughts, and Homer’s involves him being killed and his brain transplanted into a robot.

Favorite quote:
Smithers: “Did you hear that sir?”
Mr. Burns: “No, I didn’t, who is it? Frankenstein? The Boogerman?”
Smithers: “It’s the man in the bag sir, I think he’s alive.”
Mr. Burns: “Oh. (beating bag with shovel) Bad corpse! Bad corpse! Stop scaring Smithers.”

Coming soon...Season 4!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

working hard at work i see