Tuesday, March 10, 2009


If you haven't yet, watch the original Manchurian Candidate. It's SO good. It's an old movie, don't get high or you'll probably get tired, but it's seriously one of the best movies I've seen in forever. Watching it makes me want to write a thesis on it, I'm so interested.
so yeah. 1962 version - none of this 2004 crap


This guy... said...

I'm on it. And plus, I saw the new one in the theatres and it creeped me the fuck out.

Johnny Cottonmouth said...

They're reasonably similar, but it's Frank Sinatra and Angela Lansbury in the old one, so you can't go wrong. Angela Lansbury is fucking AMAZING. She should have won an oscar.

I liked the new one too, but the older one is pretty fabulous

Hock said...

Probably get tired? You mean WILL get tired.

Recently, I think Goerg can actually stay awake longer than me. Sad times.

This guy... said...

Yeah, I can stay awake longer than you...so can we finally retire that old fuckin' joke?

Hock said...

Hell no, you still sleep more than anyone I know.

Clara said...

I'd definitely say the 1962 version is way more psychological. By the way, it's pretty much the greatest book i've ever read.