Sunday, March 29, 2009


What will they think of next?

So, some company is building a hotel...out of a helicopter. It weighs well over 200 tons! While this seems like a pretty sweet idea, it doesn't seem like a very worthwhile one. That is going to use up a lot of fuel, like A LOT! That right there just seems like a waste for some rich asshole to take part in something that might crash anyways. I can't see this thing flying for a long time, unless they add some more propulsion, because that thing is fucking huge.

I would like to see it, but I'd be afraid to fly in it. I'd also feel guilty for wasting so much gas. I'm also not a rich, affluent asshole


This guy... said...

Is it a helicopter/hotel or is it a hotel desgined to look like a helicopter? This shit is actually supposed to take off?! And may I read the article where you found this?

Kiznox said...

Yup...I wanna fly this thing to the fucking moon.

Can we do that?
Can we somehow incorporate this exact design into some sort of villain evil lair/evil-doer nite club?

Hock said...

Goerg, click the link I put in the word "helicopter" in the 1st sentence of the paragraph.

It is actually supposed to take off. The link also has more pics

Claudio said...

So it turns out its fake.

Hock said...

Ha! It figures