Monday, March 23, 2009

Heroes is Backish!

It has been a long time since I've actually talked about Heroes. I'm going to give you a heads up in case you have not seen tonight's episode, I'm going to spoil the shit out of this episode. So, before you read this, watch the episode! It was actually a good episode among a bland season so far.

Now, I haven't seen the first 2 minutes or so, because I was still getting to my room, so I'm not really sure what happened to Sylar in Denko's apartment other than handing over the puppet master (whatever the hell his name is). Not sure why he was strung up. But, from then on, it was damn good.

I'm so glad Hiro finally got his fucking powers back! Except I had a problem with how he gets it back. He touched the kid? So what!? He talked about his mother before it happened, is that supposed to be his redemption? Where's the drama, where's the fight? I know Hiro was under an extreme sense of panic, which probably reignited his power, but it all felt...rushed. This is not the Hiro I want to love. But, with that said, I'm glad he has his powers back. Even if they are in a rudementary form (he's kind of where Peter is right now). I'm intrigued at the prospect that they now both have the journey to get their full powers back. Also, Ando is now a saiyan? Shooting electricity rockets? Sure, I'll buy it. I can't buy into the fact that he was so surprised that he could do that, even though he was preparing to do that. That makes no sense, but it was cool to see.

I like Angela Petrelli's character. She knows what has to be done and appearantly can escape from anyone. She's crafty. Oh, and she has a son that can fly (2 of them actually). I was glad to see Peter in this episode, but it was such a brief visit, I was kind of disappointed. Also, what's with the elevator shaft with no roof? Now that makes absolutely no sense. I'm still waiting for Peter to get his full power back...I know it's going to happen. He is way too underutilized at the moment.

It was almost too obvious that Micah is Rebel. I'm actually surprised at how resourseful he is. He's like the computer in Eagle Eye. I can see him being able to evade the agents for a long time, he seems to be honing his skill pretty well. Also, wow his voice got deep.

I'm still not a fan of Tracy Strauss (mostly because Ali Larter doesn't seem right for the part), but I am glad that she's using her powers more. That's exactly where I want to be. I want ice powers and have some serious control over them. Her freezing herself was kind of weird though. That wouldn't happen. I guess she did it to make it seem like she was dead, but it still irked me. She's still alive? What the fuck, T-1000?!

I wish Daphne was still alive. She's so hot.

I'm very surprised that they didn't have Claire in this episode. That's just insane. I thought the writers had a crush on her or something. Same thing with Nathan. Shocked.

I hope this episode was a glimpse of what we'll see in the 2nd half of the season. We deserve a good story. It's the only show about superheroes right now. It needs to up its game and FAST! I still have hope, and that's why I keep watching.

Damn I want ice powers...*dream*


Kiznox said...

Dude...I can agree that this season is a little...well...its something. However, I have this feeling that by the end of it people will have made their final choice on whether or not to continue watching. The writers are playing a dangerous game with Noah and the "company-esque" cliche...if there isnt some sort of wet-dream-on-paper rolled out soon, they will be effed in season 5. I, personally, believe that Hiro will save the day and travel back in time to save that Irish chick so that she and the cheerleader can scissor on my bed. For days. FOUR DAYS!

This guy... said...

This episode was good among not-so-good ones. But the dialogue was shit! They are making the powers being used too obvious. It leaves nothing to be inferred. For example, Matt Parkman. I don't need to hear his "All clear" in his head and then also by the guards. It happened twice (or more) in this episode. Also, Hiro kept saying "Baby Touch and Go" over and over again. It became redundant from the lack of change in the dialogue.

I also agree that there did not need to be that ending. It would have been better if they killed off Tracy as a way of saving her twin's son. It would have been touching and a very valiant way of going out.

I am with you Kiznox: We need the hot Irish chick!!

All in all, I think the story line has great potential but the writing needs some serious work. I mean, c'mon, fans of this show have been watching for years. We understand how the powers work and can make pretty radical guesses on what is happening.

Well, this could have been a post.