Sunday, July 22, 2007

The Daily ClusterFuck...

Okay, so this news shakes things up for me a little bit: Hillary Clinton pledges to stop raids on patients who use medical marijuana. Obama does not.

AA is Christian, right? I mean, it is one of the steps to becoming this article about underage sex and pimping members should be no surprise.

Tammy Faye is dead. If you're wondering who she was, its the woman who kept the mascara industry in business during the depression and recent recession. She became a household name as a televangelist, until a major sex/money scandal ravaged her, and died, peacefully, at the age of 276,991. She was also absolutely fucking insane.

Reason to leave Michigan #458: "Man Sparks Fires Driving Flaming Hay Wagon"

An story that ends with: "Their landlord dropped off some beer." Is worth reading.

Reason to leave Michigan #459: Miss Michigan is 4ft 10 and Miss North Dakota wants a piece. Fucking weird.

The scariest damn half-man learning to walk story of the Year. (Crazy pic included)

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