Saturday, July 21, 2007

Harry Potter and the LiveBlogging All-Nighter...

Over at the AV Club is a really, really interesting fluid article surrounding the Harry Potter buzz. Yes, it will contain SPOILERS, but it is worth it.

Heres just a bit from it:

"Still, all the really interesting people-watching started around 12:10 a.m., when I emerged with my book. (We were churned through very, very efficiently; even with the size of the crowd, if they kept up that pace, they'll probably have processed the entire crowd within the hour.) Most people got their books and disappeared into the night, but a few hung around the entrance, squealing and clutching each other, and bouncing with excitement. We saw one group of three teenage girls huddling around each other, sitting on a decorative concrete plant-holder, the middle girl reading the first pages out loud to the other two. A little ways down the block, another girl opened her book and said something, and her companion shrieked "STOP SPOILING ME!" Two blocks back toward our car, we saw a middle-aged woman, grinning gleefully, dash across the street and dive into the back seat of a waiting car with a running motor. It peeled rubber out of its parking spot, and they were off."

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