Tuesday, July 24, 2007

Savagely Moral Dilemma...

Here is an interesting thought from the Slog:

I was recently seen screaming and yelling on Slog about the Seattle Times glorifying DEA pot busts; in last week's paper Dominic Holden weighed in on the Washington State Patrol's appallingly callous arrest of couple for growing medical marijuana.

So we all agree that busting pot growers—whether they're growing for medical or recreational use—is a bad idea. A waste of police resources, a part of the failed war on drugs, an invitation to tyranny, etc. But what would you do if there was a pot grow operation in the house next door? And the pot growers next door were total and complete assholes? Stick to your anti-drug-war politics? Or call the cops and rid your block of these assholes? That's the moral dilemma this "Savage Love" reader faces…

My neighbors are two fat hairy straight pot smokers, who grow dope ( I can smell it and see the lights). They yell at me about insane things like making my yard too nice, and last week they chased a child of eleven down the alley shirtless with a butcher knife for teasing their cat. There garage is falling down, they leave their windows open all day and all night, they have an old toilet in their yard, three shitty cars, drug deals coming and going, and the grass and weeds are two feet tall and the house is falling apart.
All and all I don't mind them except when they scream at each other, cook chicken fried steak, and yell or play their TV all night or try to speak to me about their racial views (racial slurs) which I do not hold.
The truth is I want my sister who is a kinder gentler person then them to move in next door. Is it totally chickenshit of me to turn them in for growing and selling pot? I already know it is okay for me to like and fuck whoever I want as long as there is mutual consent. But this narc-on-the-neighbors thing is a moral dilemma for me.
Dan, I cringe when I see them with their shirts off smoking cigarettes and yelling. Can I morally give them the boot with the help of Big Brother just so I can have some peace and my sister closer to me?
Normally Against The Drug War

What would you do?

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