Sunday, June 3, 2007

Dan Savage is the SHIT!!!

Posted on the Slog.

"I’m fucking sick of politicians who represent New York—city or state—saying this in interviews, on TV, at debates, in their sleep, etc.:
“I have seen first hand the terrible damage that can be inflicted on our country by a small band of terrorists.”
Hillary Clinton said that tonight in response to John Edwards calling Bush’s War on Terror “a political slogan, a bumper sticker.”
Hillary disagrees with Edwards. The War on Terror is real, and it’s made us safer. how does she know this? Because she saw—first hand!—the damage the terrorists did to NYC. End of discussion!
Apparently anyone who saw—first hand!—the damage terrorists did in New York, Washington DC, or to that field in Pennsylvania has a clearer understanding of… well, the damage terrorists can do to cities, office buildings, fields, etc. No point arguing with them about our post-9/11 policy or approaches, shortcomings or successes—hey, they saw.
This is total bullshit. We all saw what happened on 9/11—wherever we happened to be at the time of the attacks, we saw it. We saw it on television, we read about it in the newspapers, we heard about it on the radio. (George W. Bush wasn’t exactly having breakfast at Windows on the World, and neither was Hillary Clinton.) For weeks we saw, read, and heard about little besides the attacks. I think it’s safe to say that every American under the age of 12 is painfully aware of “the terrible damage that can be afflicted on our country by small band of terrorists.” And I very much doubt that John Edwards was unaware that terrorists brought down two 110-story office buildings in New York City, killing thousands in the process, before Hillary clued him in tonight.
Would someone please pry this idiotic, insulting, and supposedly argument-ending trump card—I’m from New York! I saw what can happen!—from the cold, calculating hands of Hillary Clinton and Rudy Guiliani? They’ve abused it enough already. It’s gotta stop.
We all lived through it, we all saw, we all know."

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