Thursday, June 28, 2007

Mish-Mash and some really stupid people...

George Bush declares executive privilege and delivers a hearty Fuck You to Congress. Perhaps Bush thinks that firing a slew of US Attorneys for partisan reasons really was a good idea...hmmm...It seems that the battle over separation of powers is looming. Its about fucking time.

Okay. So this is fucking ridiculous. Basically, these people are trying to ransom Pro-Lifer's by threatening abortion if they cannot raise 50,000$. Because the woman "doesn't believe that she'd be able to give up a child after giving birth to it". Personally, I am a huge Pro-Choicer...but something seems incredibly fucked up about this situation. And the bigger question remains: Since there is no contact info listed, is this even real? And if not, is this not the sickest fucking scam ever? Of All Time. Ever.

This is so not what I would expect out of the Amazing Spider-Man.

These German girls are Retarded. Meanwhile, Italian "Court acquits teacher in "retard" case" I smell an internation coincidence of hilarious awesomenss.

You know how when someone falls you just have to laugh a little inside? Well, this is kind of like that, but you should definitely feel bad after.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

ugghhhh. Those are some stupid people, but also sick and dispicable, right?
Totally sickening scam... I don't know why but it has really pissed me off. This compelled me to make a quick video blog in response this sick topic, check it out here: