Friday, June 15, 2007

In the spirit of politics

Since I honestly have no interest in politics I figured that I would give you some "Family Guy" takes on it to somehow counteract my boredom with the subject.

Stewie: Mm, Florida. Just think somewhere in this state right now Jeb Bush is eating a live puppy.

Peter: Look Lois, the two symbols of the Republican Party: an elephant, and a big fat white guy who is threatened by change.

Chris: The government is here! Run, E.T.! Run!

This one has nothing to do with politics but it was the funniest thing at the time!

Stewie: Oh, my God, Jeremy's still in the trunk! How long has it been? Two weeks. Nope, he's dead.

Oh and how about God and religious jokes?

Peter: NOOOOOO. Silly rabbit, Trix are for kids. Damn long ears, trying to take Easter away from Jesus. Anyway, what was that you were saying?

Peter's Dad: I know what you're doing in there, and it's a sin! God watches you do it all the time, you know!
Chris: God watches me go #2? Ohh, I'm a sinner and God's a pervert.

Jesus (talking about a gun): You know how to use one of these?
Chris Tucker (takes out a joint): You know how to use one of these?

God: Let me light that for you, honey.
[he points, lights lady's cigarette with lightning bolt]
Lady: Wow!
God: Yeah, you like that? Magic Fingers...
[points again, lightning strikes lady, sets bar on fire]
God: Jesus Christ! Jesus: What?
God: Get the Escalade! We're Outta Here!

[Peter is receiving communion]
Peter: Wow, is that really the blood of Christ?
Preacher: Yes.
Peter: Wow, that guy must've been wasted 24 hours a day, huh?

Okay, we get the point...and my eyes are hurting going through this.

On a new note, I just had someone walk past my desk in pure anger at what I thought she said: that her husband took the pot. I was extremely confused and amused at the same time. It turned out something about him leaving but funny to me nonetheless.

I'll post something more relevant to life soon I promise.

Also, I just remembered that I saw a trailer (limited release) for a movie based on Macbeth, my all-time favorite Shakespeare tale, that is similar to the "Romeo and Juliet" current times movie from years ago. I think it could be good, and you can tell it is similarly done to R&J because of the actual speaking like Shakespeare wrote it. It is based off of drug lords and whatnot and teenage witches. I just noticed that it was released in 2006 in Australia and will be release in limited theatres today. Unfortunately we are not one of the regions it has been chosen to be released in, naturally because Michigan blows something fierce. I guess it will have to wait for DVD...although by then I'll probably forget about it. The movie revolves around Duncan being a crime lord and instead of taking over a kingdom, Macbeth takes over the crime ring Duncan used to run. I did hate the R&J remake with Leo and company because it was just horribly and terribly done in my eyes, but I like Macbeth better so that works in their favor. We shall see and I will update all of you when I do see it.

Until next time...

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