Friday, June 29, 2007

The drama continues

First of all let me say...eff the person who invented the Vodka and Cranberry mix, as well as the person who decided it would be good to drink shots of liquor. Wow.

Now back to the neverending drama that is the Chris Benoit story. This story has been covered from every angle by ESPN,, MSNBC, and even CNN. The mystery continues as to what happened even though we now know that he strangled his wife and son before killing himself over last weekend, before the bodies were discovered Monday. Now, according to CNN, Benoit's Wikipedia entry was altered saying that he missed the last PPV (WWE Vengance) due to the death of his wife...however (and this is where it gets interesting) the entry was made at 12:01 am on Monday, hours before the bodies were actually found. The story has been twisting and turning since day 1. First, the question was raised as to how they died, but we were given that answer. Now we wonder if the family was a victim of Benoit's "roid rage." Roid rage may have been a reason for one of the killings but it does not make sense that he would still be ragin' when he killed his son the next day. On top of all that he placed Bibles next to the deceased which would indicate that he thought about this quite a bit after the fact, as well as the fact he stayed in the house for a few days with the dead bodies before offing himself.

What a world we live in because after I wrote the above post we already have an answer to the question of who wrote it...what a coincidence indeed. I would also hate to be Vince McMahon on this one because you automatically assume that it is steroids simply because he was a pro wrestler. Also, after a moving 3 hour tribute this past Monday on RAW, McMahon and the WWE pulled the tribute from the WWE website after it was learned that he killed his wife and family. A lot more information from McMahon can be found here, relating to his Today Show appearance where he talks about the Benoit incident and calls him a "monster."

On a lighter note, congratulations go out to Craig Biggio joining the prestigious 3,000 hit club! He has been a driving force for that Astros team for many years now and he's still kickin strong. Too bad that team never reaches the feats they should.

Also, I am saddened to report that the NFL's European league is folding after 16 years. I honestly can say that I do not care but I feel for those European fans who have grown to love the sport (although somehow it was losing $30 million a year) and if any of them are like me in regards to a passion for football...I would be considering protesting that, since we tend to protest things like TV shows but not political ends that were mentioned by my fellow blogger in a previous post. For once we are in agreement on something...make yourself heard! Protest something if you feel it is not right...bitching about it online and at the watercooler is well and good, but does it change anything? No. If you want to be heard you actually have to big it now before even more shit hits the fan because we are already covered in a lot of it and it's time for a bath.

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