Friday, June 22, 2007

Welcome to another day

First off let me say "Welcome" to all of you who are reading this blog for the first time. I assume that you found it based off of a myspace message you may've seen or from your friends. Enjoy the posts and we hope they entertain you and make you think.

I don't really think this is extremely interesting but since it had "Duck Hunt" in it ROCK ON!

This is hilarious! It is for parents to know what these drug "slang" words mean...but it gives you a definition and then uses it in a sentence! How freakin' cool is that! Also, make sure that you check your kids sippy cup because you never know when a waiter at a restaurant may mistake apple juice for LIQUOR! And finally, parents do not let your girls near this kid...for at least three years that is...and do not take your kids to this store!

Check this out from a fellow blogspotter! Some of these shows I have seen, others not.

Until next time...unless I accidentally get some liquor instead of Pepsi in the cafeteria.

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