Friday, August 31, 2007

A Thought, Kiznox

A word to the wise, if you will

East Lansing is not like where you've lived before. It's a hardcore college town, and frankly, you need to not run your mouth off around people when you don't know how they'll react. There are a lot of douchebags around, and just because we're used to each other's breaking points doesn't mean that everyone you run into will be the same. It sucks, but it's true in an area like that. A fender bender is not the time to joke around. And I only say this because I lived there for four years, and it's just one of those things you learn - err on the safe side, because the last thing you want is to get jumped by a couple of angry assholes - and it happens

1 comment:

Hock said...

I was there. I know how this place works. If only someone actually listens to me once in a while.