Saturday, September 8, 2007

The Best WYR Questions (Part Five of Five)

It ends at last (he says as he sheds a tear). All good things must end but the next time our friends at College Humor decide to post another WYR on their website, we shall analyze it. Until then:

Would You Rather...

Fall into a coma for twenty years and then wake up and resume your life for another forty or live for twenty years more and then drop dead?
Well...a tough one to be sure. I would miss a lot of things by being in a coma for twenty years (seeing as how I have no significant other or anything at the moment) and when I come out I would still live to be a decent age. Going into a coma and then coming out has it's disadvantages with physical health afterwards but it would not compare to just how much I would miss if I died in twenty years without really having a full experience of life between marriage, anniversaries, retirement, children and grandchildren.

Answer the question or take the physical challenge? (Old school baby!)
Hell you can answer questions all day long that have just as much relevance as those ones...if you are on Double Dare you better take the damn physical challenge bitches!!

Be able to do any accent perfectly or be able to sing any song perfectly?
I would love love to have an accent and do it masterfully and it could be beneficial..somehow..but I think singing a song perfectly could work out much more to your personal advantage (unless it's only one...then fuck that).

Have the ability to eat coal and poop diamonds or have the ability to eat criminals and poop truth and justice?
First off, this question kicks ass just in the wording and shit...nice job! Second...bring on diamonds baby!! I would have people coming to my house to watch me poop, which would be awkward at first but then I would just start charging admission, and see the size of that giant (or small) diamond that may surface following my visit with the Porcelain Queen.

Have your daughter do hardcore porn or hardcore drugs?
My daughter will never do those things and if she does I will smote her!

Be a famous rock star or a famous athlete?
Athletes run the risk of injury while rock star run the risk of OD. I personally have envisioned myself more standing in front of a large crowd singing along to every verse you sing than scoring the game winning touchdown. You may not get the same amount of press being a rock star as opposed to an athlete but being a rock star would be an absolute dream come true.

Have cookies or french fries positively affect your health?
French fries because I constantly eat fast food more than cookies.

Be blind or Canadian?
I don't need to answer this question because the answer is obvious but I just think it is hilarious to make fun of Canada once in a while.

Since Mr. Streeter and College Humor can give out an award so can I. The "Why Would You Want To Deface Beer So Badly" award goes to:

"Would you rather have a Bud Light bottle stuck up your ass or a Miller Lite bottle stuck up your ass?"

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