Tuesday, September 25, 2007

What's on my mind

Some random thoughts on the day...

I am so very very excited for tonight's season premiere of House!

I am disappointed at the Tigers not being able to bring the playoffs back to Detroit for a second straight year but it means a whole lot more knowing we are on the radar and are getting attention. We'll get back boys.

What Lions team am I currently rooting for? Are they decent or are they the same shitty Lions in disguise? I guess we will find out with time. Oh, if they are in disguise, please don't let it be in those God awful ugly ass uniforms the Eagles wore this past week! The referrees should have penalized them for wearing those damn things...gross.

While sifting through College Humor I found a link that has a good interview with the "It's Always Sunny In Philadelphia" crew.

I am really pissed off that Aflac is not calling me back about my internship! Is it hard to pick up a phone and tell me that (a) you have filled the internship or (b) you are just a hanous asshole?

There are two CDs out now that I am very excited for...Submersed's new CD "Immortal Verses" and Rascal Flatts new CD "Feels So Good." Awesome.

I have two days off of work...but I have school during these days...gay.

The Star Wars episode of "Family Guy" was absolutely hilarious. There were some moments that seemed a little to unnecessary but it's Family Guy which makes it funny. I had a feeling they would put Meg as that garbage monster...didn't you guys?

The Simpsons opening for this season was absolutely classic, as well as Spider Pig making an appearance on the couch scene. The episode was definitely a good one also.

Finally, I am very disappointed by Fuel's new video for "Wasted Time." Toryn Green hardly puts any emotion into the video while singing. It is a good video in that you get to see all the members of Fuel together but it just didn't strike me as a good video at all. "Take Me There" by Rascal Flatts IS a great video though, not that any of my fellow bloggers care about that.

1 comment:

Kiznox said...

Loved Star Wars Family Guy! Would have wanted Meg to be Jabba, though.