Saturday, September 15, 2007


Yup, it surely is Saturday. You know what that means? That means that I am going to go to work, get all greasy, come home, wash my hands for about 10 minutes before realizing that the grease from cooking is never going to come off, then get ready to go out, probably go out, spend money on booze, get trashed, have a great night, and spend all of tomorrow cleaning up.

Good news! I am pretty sure that my sister is going to come visit me today! I am super excited.

Interesting news! Apparently, I am Mrs Andy Cox. At least, that is what the wedding invite said. Definitely a hilarious piece of mail to receive. And Larry is my son. I sent him to his room. HAHAHA!

Beaner's has really fucking good coffee. If we could get someone to advertise on the site, I would love it to be Beaner's. Even though the temperature of said coffee is around 500 degrees even though I bought it over an hour ago, it is still delicious.

Watched Pan's Labyrinth again last night. Not all of it, but most of it. I love that movie. It is such a pretty, pretty movie.

Monday I will be going to finish paying off my Halo 3 at Gamestop. That way, Hock and I will not have to spend much time waiting in line to pay when we go to pick the game up. When does it come out?

Still looking for more in the job department. It is nice to be cooking, but really not the bread winning job that I had hoped for.

Posters need to be bought to complete the sweetness of our place.
So does a decent coffee table. Or at least get the plywood cut so the nasty parts do not show so much.
I have this idea to make a bead wall. Of compliments. It would be a really fun project to put together whilst drunk. It would make that window from the kitchen to the living room look really sweet.
Definitely need to put some art in the bathroom too. Not that anyone really hangs out in there, but some sort of trippy piece would be cool. Not a poster, though. That would just not last very long after a bunch of humid showers.

Bought a new shirt today. Hooray Appalachian State!

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