Tuesday, September 18, 2007


So I have a music history test tomorrow... sick. If only the music from gregorian chant through late medieval times meant shit to me, or was something I cared about. Also keep your fingers crossed that my car makes it all the way to and from Michigan... why do you guys all have to live so far away anyway? ;) I can't WAIT to party on thursday night - get the gang together and such. And considering it's tuesday and I've already worked 14 hours since sunday, not including school, I could really use a break. the people at my job are always snapping and stressed out- for no good reason. The job can be a little stressful, but seriously it's not nearly as bad as they act. If you do something wrong, or if something doesn't go according to plan, it's fine! That's why we do rehearsals. You tell me, and we'll fix it. Responses like "well we move these to help you, so you shouldn't complain" are so unnecessary. Especially when your reasoning is because you have so much to get done during intermission (which is 15 minutes by the way), and I find you sitting doing nothing when I get over there two seconds later. Whatever. Not to toot my horn, but I'm a good employee and I just get stuff done when it needs to be done. And I let people know politely when I could use their assistance, and sometimes they just take it as a personal attack - I'm talking to YOU girl on stage left crew who thinks she's the shit!
End rant. I need to get to MI. Especially to get fo'd up with my good friends. :)
Cottonmouth signing out.

ps Cottonmouth is a badass nickname in its own right as well. rock

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