Friday, September 14, 2007


First off Always Sunny in Philadelphia last night was amazing. So much acid haha. This season will be so great - TWO new episodes next week.

Secondly. I'm totally a cradle robber. I need to stop setting my sights on freshmen... HE MADE THE FIRST MOVE THOUGH!

Thirdly, I'm happy to be back on the drinking wagon. I'm getting wasted tonight, maybe tailgating tomorrow and generally being a bad child. Alcohol = delicious candy

Fourthly, I can't WAIT for next thursday. We're gonna party like its... earlier this year before I moved away. Expect massive drinking.

Fifthly, fifthly is a funny sounding word. It may not be real.

Sixthly, there are 5 consonants in a row in sixthly too so it's probably also not a word. DON'T DENY IT Y! I don't care if you're the switch hitter of the lot, the fact that you're surrounded by the weirdos of the alphabet should not automatically make you decide to be bi.

Seventhly, Hock, I might also want an eighter if you can find one - I'll give you money as soon as I get up there for that and the other thing if you manage to secure it

Eighthly! 6 consonants in a row!

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